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Individual tracks
01 Contents and introduction (mp3, 1.8mb)
02 A quick guide to the new smokefree law (mp3, 2.5mb)
03 Why is England going smokefree (mp3, 1.9mb)
04 What must I do to go smokefree (mp3, 6.5mb)
05 Which places must be smokefree (mp3, 4.6mb)
06 What signage do I have to display (mp3, 3mb)
07 How will the new smokefree law be enforced (mp3, 2.9mb)
08 Are there any exemptions from the new law (mp3, 6.2mb)
09 Frequently asked questions (mp3, 2.7mb)
11 Suggested smokefree policy (mp3, 3.1mb)
12 How to deal with smoking in a smokefree place (mp3, 2.6mb)